I’m Seeking the Progress Vancouver nomination for Vancouver Council. Here’s why…

Vancouver needs people to want to stay here but over the last 12 years three municipal governments have struggled to bring results to make our Vancouver affordable. The situation is so serious that there are 12,561 fewer under-18s in Vancouver than there were in 2010. That’s why I’m seeking the nomination with Progress Vancouver for…

Morgane Oger and Mark Marissen in front of a small business’s pop-up store in July 2022

12,561. That’s how many fewer under-18 youth live in Vancouver today than in 2010. That’s quite a lot, and it’s a hint of why Vancouver schools are emptying as Vancouver keeps getting more expensive. Families are leaving our city for the suburbs and farther afield at a rate that is now nearly 1% of the population per year, and we need to do something about this.

Our city needs to make people want to stay here. That’s why I’m seeking the nomination with Progress Vancouver for City Council in the upcoming election.

Vancouverites need a thriving Vancouver where people can actually afford to live.

Actually-affordable housing, taking action on the opioid crisis, addressing homelessness, and taking action to protecting our neighbourhood schools from closing – while protecting our environment and addressing climate change?

Vancouver is dire need of actually-affordable housing. Morgane Oger Photo

I see Progress Vancouver as a diverse coalition of folks at the intersection of values shared by much of the BC NDP and the federal Liberals, with strong stance on inclusion, climate actions, and sustainability.

I’ve served on the BC NDP Provincial Executive and as Vice President and I was a BC NDP candidate in Vancouver – False Creek during the 2017 BC general election.

Our mayoral candidate Mark Mark Marissen served as national campaign manager and has deep ties to that party and its progressive values.

Those are my values and I’m pretty sure they’re your values too.

I’m stepping up for the nomination because I want to help get more actually-affordable housing built in Vancouver and because I want to see results that help people suffering on our city’s streets who are being neglected because the city is just too slow to react to the housing crisis, to the overdose crisis, and to homelessness.

Instead of Vancouver Council working together making things better, idelogically-motivated political infighting is failing you and just enabling more harm happening to those among us who are most vulnerable.

In 2018, I stepped aside to make room for Kennedy Stewart and endorsed his run for mayor, but things have just not gone the way we hoped. It’s like there’s someone telling Kennedy Stewart what to do, and there’s someone else getting in the way between Kennedy Stewart and the rest of City Council.

I guess that’s the challenge for a long-time Opposition MP used to handlers telling him when to speak and what to say. Maybe he just never learned how to govern or how to lead.

I believe it’s time for Vancouver voters to change course and bring in a leader with a team who will work with everyone to get to the consensus. I mean, isn’t that the job?

So that’s why I am proud to share with you today that I am stepping forward and seeking the nomination from Progress Vancouver. If I am nominated, I look forward to working with Mark Marissen and Progress Vancouver to bring actual results that matter.

Useful links

Morgane Oger Nomination Campaign website: https://www.votemorganeoger.ca
Learn more about Morgane: https://www.linktr.ee/morganeogerbc
Book a meeting to speak with Morgane: https://www.calendly.com/morganeoger
Progress Vancouver website: https://www.progressvancouver.ca

Useful links

I want to make our city a better place to start and grow a small busin
Bringing together a coalition of different perspectives under a single party that will work towards a thriving Vancouver just makes sense to me, and I have a feeling it makes sense to you.


Morgane Oger speaking about rights and justice at a Parliament Hill event

A nomination race is about values and fit, as it’s at the campaign stage that election promises are made.

In the spirit of being clear on what I value, I put a few points together in a promise to Progress Vancouver members who will be called on to vote at the Nomination Meeting when it is called:

  1. I will campaign on making housing actually affordable in Vancouver, with the intention of prioritizing adding new housing that Vancouverites need where you need it most: near schools and amenities and near transit nodes.
  2. I prioritize supporting small businesses and revitalizing our city’s center. Our city is choking under red tape and it’s harming the businesses that keep Vancouver going.
  3. I approach equality issues through an anti-oppression intersectional feminist lens.
  4. I always work with all interested stakeholders take meaningful action on the social issues affecting Vancouver today.
  5. I intend to work with our Labour partners at city hall to get permitting and decision-making processes unstuck. Unionized workers are the experts on the inner workings of our city and their voice matters.
  6. I believe in reconciliation and look to Indigenous peoples to decide for themselves how they govern themselves and who to engage with when our nations come together to work out unresolved issues or to collaborate on projects.
  7. I believe in reconciliation and look to Indigenous peoples to tell me how they govern themselves and who I should work with when we come together to work out unresolved issues.
  8. I prioritize working with our Provincial and Federal government partners to find every win possible so more actually-affordable housing gets built for you.
  9. I value making Vancouver more desirable for families to help make it easier for employers to attract workers who choose to stay here because it is the right place to raise children.
  10. I prioritize supporting housing that people who live and work in Vancouver need and can afford near schools, amenities, and transit nodes.
  11. I support a safe and regulated drug supply that is free of poisons.
  12. I intend to push to ensure harm-reduction is effective and doesn’t result in harm to bystanders.
  13. I prioritize effectively using public buildings to meet all the changing needs of a neighbourhood over closing down services.

Press coverage: Click on the image to access leading news articles that mention Morgane oger